HARRISBURG - Steelers fans living in Central Pennsylvania will meet at Uptown Plaza at 6:00 am this coming Friday to move the city one hundred miles west. The effort is designed to have the city fall within the Steelers' television market instead of the Ravens' market, as it currently is.
"We want everyone to bring their pickups, trailers, box trucks, everything that we can use to haul stuff," organizer Paul Chwastyk said today. "This isn't Maryland, and we don't want to see the Ravens. It's Pennsylvania, and we want to see the Steelers. By moving west, we'll be in their TV market. And as an added bonus, we'll be an extra hundred miles from Philadelphia, which is always good."
Jeff Bristol, sports director for the local CBS affiliate, was ecstatic at the news. "You have no idea how many angry calls I get when we have to show the Ravens game instead of the Steelers game," Bristol said. "I've done on-air stories with maps and little football helmets, trying to explain the NFL rules. All week I've been explaining why we can't show the Raiders game, and still everybody blames me."
One fan sure to help with the move is Karenna Kern. "Every time they show the Ravens instead of the Steelers, I have to go to the bar to see the game," she complained. "I have never drunk so much in my life. It's fun, but it's getting expensive. I think the least the NFL could do is pay my bar tab if they're not going to show the game here."
Chwastyk expects a good crowd on Friday,"but it'll still probably take all day and maybe part of Saturday," he says. Still undecided is the fate of the Capitol. "It's a beautiful building and I'm sure we could move it safely," Chwastyk said. "But a lot of us aren't crazy about the legislature. We might leave 'em here and let them fend for themselves."