Somehow we can't picture Tom Corbett calling us "A nation of wussies"
COMMENTARY - In a few short weeks, we'll bid farewell to Ed Rendell as the Commonwealth's governor. You can argue with his policies, but you can't deny he has been comedy gold for years. Whether it was his well-known affection for food, or denying an affair with a beautiful woman by saying he should have one with an unattractive woman, Rendell gave us plenty to work even in the slowest news periods.
He had his troopers drive over 100 mph on the way to Philadelphia. He said Arlen Specter was greater than Ben Franklin. When both Philly and Pittsburgh were in the NFL conference championships, he said the Super Bowl should be held at Penn State if both Pennsylvania teams won (of course, Philadelphia failed to hold up their end of the deal). And he was the only sitting governor ever to go to Gobbler's Knob on Groundhog Day, a huge oversight that he corrected.
Tom Corbett may be good for Pennsylvania; time will tell. But will he be funnier than Rendell? Probably not. Hopefully Rendell will stay true to form in his last 21 days in office and give us more material. And hopefully he'll pop up every so often once he's out. It's the least he can do for Pennsylvania's comedy writers. So, so long, Ed, and don't be a stranger.