Thursday, March 3, 2011


Employment experts advise him to update resume, dress more conservatively

NEW YORK - As McDonald's changes its menu and public image, one employee in particular has found himself being marginalized. Ronald McDonald, who has been the public face of the restaurant chain for years, is rarely seen today. A corporate spokesman confirms that McDonald is still employed, and that "he is a valued member of our team."

Still, job coaches think he should not sit around and wait to see what happens. "When employees see that they are not getting the good projects anymore or are not being promoted, the tendency is for them to keep their heads down and try not to be noticed," says Susan Messner, an employment consultant in St. Louis. "That's the wrong approach.

"Ronald hasn't been in a commercial in a long time. That's a sign they don't see him as a long-term contributor," Messner says. She advises Mr. McDonald to update his resume as soon as possible. "Granted, his work experience is a little thin - he's 48 years old and he's basically had one entry-level job in his entire life. It'd be better for him to create a targeted resume that emphasizes his skills in acting, public relations, and walking around in gigantic shoes."

Jack Dammer, another job coach, said McDonald needs to update, and tone down, his look. "That ketchup-and-mustard color scheme just doesn't work in today's job market," he said. "He should get a nice tailored suit in a neutral color with a conservative shirt and tie. And he should definitely lose the make-up and re-think that hair color. I don't think even Wal-Mart would hire him to be a greeter with his current look."

If all else fails, Dammer says, McDonald has two options. "If they let him go, I'm sure he could collect unemployment," he said. "But since he's over 40 years old, he's part of a protected class. He's got a shot at claiming they let him go because of his age. It never hurts to consult an attorney."