WASHINGTON, DC - In the latest blow to the flailing Gingrich campaign, the letter 'e' has resigned from the candidate's first name. Earlier this month, sixteen top advisors left, and chief fundraisers Jody Tomas and Mary Heitman left on Tuesday.
"I'm getting out," 'e' said today. "I can no longer be silent. This guy is going down, and I'm not going down with him."
E said he tried to stay above the internal turmoil, but the candidate's trip to Greece proved to be a turning point. "I asked to go with him and [Newt's wife] Callista, but he told me there is no 'e' in 'vacation.' I was more than a little insulted. Maybe I can hook up with another candidate's name -- John Huntsman seems like he could make some room for me."
The Gingrich campaign wished 'e' well, but said they will carry on without him. "Nwt 2012 will continu its organization and alignmnt as a grassroots-drivn, substantiv, solutions-orintd campaign," spokesman R. C. Hammond said.