Tuesday, January 18, 2011


He's crossed the line from 'sensitive' to 'wimp,' according to new poll

NEW YORK - Ratings for 'The Bachelor' have fallen precipitously as fans of the show have shifted their feelings from hatred to turned-off, a new ABC poll reveals.

"We thought he'd be a big hit," executive producer Eric Fleiss said. "There was that built-in hate factor from his first go-round, and we thought everyone would like his uplifting story of personal redemption. Apparently not."

Local fan Debbie Catalan agrees with Fleiss. "It was bad enough when he got a facial and had that mud masque all over his face, which was pretty wimpy. But bringing his therapist on was the final straw. Really? You need help with fifteen beautiful women throwing themselves at you?"

"I don't think it's a coincidence that he has to practically begs the women to stay, and that a lot of the women seem reluctant to accept a rose. I'm sure a lot of them are thinking,'Do I really want such a needy guy for the rest of my life? Or at least for the amount of time these engagements seem to last?'"

Producer Fleiss says "It's too late to do anything now; the whole show's been taped. I can't un-wimp him. But I hope fans will stay tuned for the return of Jake. He's not in therapy, and we're lining up a whole new crop of immature women for him to choose from, with an inevitable train wreck that fans are certain to enjoy."