Wednesday, February 23, 2011


COMMENTARY - Today I am asking Congress to put aside their work on small matters like the budget and health care and declare an end to February. You wouldn't think the shortest month of the year would be so slow, but it is.

The month started off well enough, with the Steelers heading for the Super Bowl and Punxsutawney Phil declaring an early Spring. But then the Steelers played badly against Green Bay, and we will have to live with the loss for a long time. The Vatican then decided to pile on by declaring a shrine to the Virgin Green Bay. Then President Obama piled on by praising Cleveland, of all places.

After a few nice days of weather, we got another eight inches of snow; Phil refused to comment. James Harrison had back surgery. Sidney Crosby might not play again this season, and Malkin is gone. Mario Lemieux threatens to walk away from hockey for good. The Pirates reported for Spring training in their quest for a 19th consecutive losing season while Bob Nutting laughs all the way to the bank with an MLB revenue-sharing check.

And then, on top of all that, I turned 48 while my twin sister tries to decide what age she is going to claim to be.

I'm sure everyone reading this could add their tales of woe. So call your Senator and Representative and demand a change to March. It has its ups and downs in weather and it's 31 days long, but at least it has a drinking holiday in it.